The 3 Together Big Local is made up of several elements, including a community partnership, which are individuals who have connected with the aims and values of our plan or who have simply asked to be kept up to date with progress. If you would like to be part of this, get in touch.


From this Partnership we have a community board called the Decision Making Panel or DMP. This group has been elected by the wider community to make key decisions on spending and to ensure the agreed plan is moving forwards in the way it is intended to and in a timely fashion. Joining the elected residents are nominated workers from organisations linked closely to our community, these DMP members are currently provided by Easington Lane Community Access Point (ELCAP), Moorsley & District CIC, Mindful Walks NE and Hetton Primary School.


Also on the DMP is a representative from our local trusted organisation or LTO, Groundwork NE & Cumbria. Our LTO provide essential aspects of our existence and our projects; Local Trust have them in place to ensure sound financial governance, to provide a platform to employ the project workers, to drive staff appraisals and line management and to achieve a structure of administrative support around the programme.

Project Officer

Emma Crow

Support Worker

Simon Underwood

Big Local Rep

Stephen Armstrong



