Community Fund


Grass roots community organisations have benefited from nearly £50k in small grants from 3 Together Big Local and we intend to keep giving to those most connected to the area and those most able to take action on the needs it prioritises.

We have a simple application process, we ask you about your organisation and how you would spend your award of up to £500 to help in your community. Anyone with a good idea that would benefit the community can apply whether you’re a group or an individual.

So, whether your group needs a new bingo machine, some new boxing gloves or a trip to the theatre or you want to organise a street party please consider making an application. We’ll ask you to give us a report and send in some photographs to help us understand if the money has been well spent and to ensure you can apply again in the future. We can help and support you with the application and monitoring, just ask us.

We want to help our community have increased confidence, skills and capacity so that it continues to identify and respond to needs in the future.